So, what is a Pickleball-A-Thon? Remember when you were a kid in school, and you would have to do a read-a-thon or a bike-a-thon? The Pickleball-A-Thon will operate in a similar way. First, you will sign up to participate below. When you sign up, you are agreeing to play 5 games of pickleball, and to get at least $200 in donations. Then, you will get a sponsor sheet emailed to you. You will obtain sponsors who will donate a certain amount for each game you play. So, let's say a person donates $5/game. When you are done, you will collect $25 from them. You will upload the sponsor sheet to a link that we will send you also or you can upload it below. Then, you will get ready to play. You will need to play your 5 games wherever you normally play pickleball. You will have from April 5th-April 19th, 2025, to get in your 5 games. We will send you some props so you can take pictures of your play. We want to highlight you and your effort to raise money for us on our website and Facebook pages. Once your games are done, you collect the money from your sponsors. Checks can be made out to CEFLakelands. The money is due by April 30th. The money can then be brought to our office. You will receive the details on how to do that with the information that is emailed to you. You will receive a t-shirt for participating. Plus, the 3 people who raised the most money will receive a trophy. In addition, the champion who signs up the most people for the Pickleball-A-Thon, will also receive a trophy. The group that raises the most money will receive a trophy.
So, get out there, have fun playing pickleball and help us raise money to share the gospel with children.
So, get out there, have fun playing pickleball and help us raise money to share the gospel with children.